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    1. Cain-and-Abel

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    “You must try hard and become first.” This is a common advice given to children by parents and teachers in order to motivate them to do their best. But, this seemingly innocent message contains a very poisonous seed of competition.
    The story of “Cain and Abel” teaches us that we all are brothers and sisters and that everyone is responsible for the other. Read the full story to know more.

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    2. Abraham

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    Abraham is the one person whom three major religions of the world, namely, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, venerate as the “Father of believers”. The God who reveals Himself in the Bible is called “The God of Abraham”. Jesus Christ is called “The Son of Abraham”. The Old Testament (especially Gen ch 12-22) depicts him as the Patriarch who risked everything at the Word of an unknown God. The New Testament sees him as the model of faith. To an outsider, Abraham’s life might appear futile and foolish. He did not follow the path of ‘majority opinion’. He did not go after success in life. But this apparently foolish man stands at the beginning of the Salvation history. The story of Abraham and the meaning of his faith can be fully understood only in Jesus Christ, in whom the history of salvation finds its fulfillment.

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    3. Jacob

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    The story of “Jacob” shows that it is not the strong but the weak that is loved and elected by God to carry on the salvation history. This also shows that the Bible depicts all the weaknesses, short-comings as well as the strength of its heroes. Salvation history, God’s act of saving humanity, unfolded through a weak and sinful people.

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    4. Joseph

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    The story of Joseph stands at a turning point in the history of Israel as well as the history of Salvation. Time and again God promised Abraham and his descendants a land of their own. That was the land of Canaan where Jacob settled down with his sons. But Jacob was uprooted and replanted in Egypt, a foreign land that eventually became a land of slavery for them. The various circumstances which led to this migration are colourfully depicted in the beautiful story of Joseph. This is a story of love and hatred, of jealousy and sympathy.

    The story of Joseph teaches us to trust in providence, to stand for truth and justice even at great risk, to love the enemies, and to meet evil with good.

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    5. Moses

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    Moses was the leader chosen by God to bring the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. This liberation called Exodus is the most important event in the history of Israel. Though brought up in the king’s palace as a prince, Moses became aware of the sad plight of his people. The desire to liberate them from their misery became the sole driving force of his life. For this end, he gave up the comfort and luxury and became one with his enslaved brethren.

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    6. Joshua

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    Joshua is the hero who led the people of Israel in the conquest of Canaan. Though many had set out from Egypt under Moses only two of them, Joshua and Caleb, who remained faithful to Yahweh all through the journey, could enter the Promised Land.

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    7. Samson

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    Samson was gifted with extra-ordinary physical strength. But he forgot that this was given to him for a special purpose. As a result, he lost his strength, sight, and freedom and became the laughing stock of his enemies. In utter misery he turned to Yahweh.
    Samson is a negative model. His story teaches what a leader should not be. God gives his gifts with a purpose. They are not to be misappropriated for one’s own pleasure. Samson in the prison, blinded and bound, depicts the consequences of a forgetting God.

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    8. Ruth

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    Ruth is a model of filial dedication and of merciful love. Through this story, the Bible teaches that God is the God of all. He does not approve of communalism. Nobody can claim any privilege on the basis of race and caste. Only the poor are the object of God’s special love. In this sense, the Book of Ruth has a special message for the world today, where people are still divided and discriminated on the basis of caste and creed.

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    9. Samuel

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    Samuel was a great prophet who lived in the 11th century B.C. He was the last and the greatest of the “Judges” who ruled Israel. In the history of Israel only Moses excels him in importance.

    Samuel was a priest who wept with his people in their disasters. He prayed for them and offered sacrifices on their behalf. He taught them the law of God faithfully. Thus, he is the forerunner of the Messiah who is a priest, prophet and king. Samuel is a model of faith in Yahweh, of uncompromising fidelity to His call and of constant prayer.

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    10. Saul

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    Saul, son of Kish, was the first king of Israel. His reign lasted for twenty years. Twenty three chapters of the Bible are set aside for Saul. Saul was a courageous man who marched into the battlefield at the head of his army. Even when most of his men deserted, with a handful of soldiers, he defeated the Philistines, inspiring courage in his followers. He died fighting the enemies and thus offered his life for his people. In the history of Salvation Saul has a preparatory function. In fact he prepared the way for David, the Messianic figure.

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    11. David

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    The present book, “David”, deals with his early life-his life as a shepherd, as a bodyguard of King Saul, and as a fugitive. David was a self-made, self-taught man. His faith, courage, loyalty and clever political moves enabled him to become the greatest king of his time. Bible depicts the relationship between David and Jonathan as the ideal friendship. Young David is a model of unwavering faith, undying hope, undivided loyalty and forgiving love. His life is a source of inspiration for all those who are going through trials and tribulations.

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    12. King David

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    David’s ascent to the heights of glory and his fall to the depths of shame and loneliness is presented in the this story, “King David”. He was specially chosen and loved by Yahweh to be the leader of the nation. Even though David is considered an ideal king, the monarchic and imperial tradition he started contained in itself the germs of oppression that eventually caused its own down fall. Even in the midst of calamities he did not lose heart. He firmly believed in the mercy of God.

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    13. Solomon

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    The empire built up by King David reached the zenith of its glory during the time of Solomon. The Bible depicts Solomon as the wisest king of Israel. Even Jesus refers to Solomon’s wisdom. In spite of all these achievements, Solomon caused the fall of Israel. His extravagance in construction works and the luxurious life style depleted the royal treasury. At the end he could not find any meaning in life. “Vanity of vanities, all in vanity” he cried. Solomon is a negative model, an example of worldly wisdom and unaccountable authority that lead to despair and destruction.

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    14. Elijah

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    The name “Elijah” means “my God is Yahweh”. At a time when confessing the faith in Yahweh was considered a crime deserving capital punishment, Elijah confronted the king and the whole nation in the name of Yahweh. Elijah was a man of prayer. In every adversity he turned to Yahweh for help. It was from these encounters that he drew strength and courage to carry out his difficult mission. From the wilderness into which he retired for prayer, he burst out with the force of a whirlwind against idolatry and injustice.

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    15. Amos

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    Amos was a man of courage. At the sight of the misery of the poor, insensibility of the rich, venality of the judges, and hypocrisy of the priests, he burst out like a roaring lion against the corrupt systems. Enraged by the prophetic denunciations of Amos, the ruling class joined hands against him. The Jewish tradition believes that Amos was killed by his opponents.

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    16. Hosea

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    Hosea was the last prophet sent to the northern kingdom of Israel. While Israel was plunged into virtual anarchy, all the evils that Amos had denounced became still more pronounced and widespread. Murder and robbery became the order of the day. Religious practices degenerated into a bargain with God for receiving favors. Yahweh and Baal were worshipped on the same later. Thus, Israel’s political, social and religious systems were corrupt to the core. It was under these circumstances that Hosea was sent to Israel as the prophet of love.

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    17. Micah

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    The name Micah is the abbreviated form of the Hebrew name, Michael, which means “Who is like God?”. The name is an affirmation of the sovereignty of God. It expressed the character of the prophet. Micah was a man completely possessed by the Spirit of God. His own bitter experiences gave his words a sharp edge. In the atrocities committed against the poor, Micah saw the denial of God who is the father of the orphans and the protector of the weak. The confession of faith in God demands an outright denunciation of every form of oppression. In his voice, we can hear the cry of the oppressed and God’s verdict on injustice.

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    18. Isaiah

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    Isaiah was a contemporary of Prophet Micah. His prophetic career that started in 740 B.C. lasted over forty years. The prophetic call came to Isaiah in a vision in the temple. In that vision, he was given a deep awareness of the holiness of God and of his own sinfulness. Some of the most well known messianic prophecies were uttered by Isaiah. He prophesied that instead of the corrupt and cruel kings, a just king would come from the house of David and rule the whole world with equity. He would give justice to the poor, destroy all the weapons and put a permanent end to the war. These prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus the Messiah, the prince of the piece.

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    19. Jeremiah

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    The second half of the seventh century B.C. witnessed a rapid succession of empires in the Mesopotamian world.
    The tiny kingdom of Judah was seriously affected. At the crucial time Yahweh sent an array of mighty prophets such as Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakuk, and Ezekiel to Judah. Jeremiah was the greatest of them all.
    Jeremiah was filled with the Spirit and equipped with the word of God in order to carry out his difficult task. Even in the midst of persecution, he remained faithful to his call. He carried the pain and sorrow of his people and was broken for the nation. In this he prefigured Jesus Christ who took upon himself the sin of the world and liberated the mankind. The new covenant of which Jeremiah spoke was fulfilled in Jesus’ death on the cross.

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    20. Ezekiel

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    Ezekiel, a priest of Jerusalem, was among the first group Jews deported to Babylon in 598 B.C. His prophetic call took place in a vision in which he was granted a new insight into the nature and plan of God.

    Ezekiel was called to bear the sins of his people and to suffer for them. In this he is a symbol of Jesus who took upon himself the sins of the world. Ezekiel’s prophecy concerning the new covenant as well as the Good Shepherd is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

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    21. Zechariah

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    “The Lord remembered” is the meaning of the name. Zechariah was a young priest who returned from the exile. He told the people that Yahweh who put an end to the Babylonian captivity was again about to act on their behalf and establish His Rule in Jerusalem by sending the Messiah.

    Zechariah is noted for his visions, messianic prophecies and the importance he gives to angels. Several of his prophesies are quoted in the New Testament as fulfilled in Jesus. Among them, the prophecy concerning the king riding a donkey is the most well known.

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    22. Jonah

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    Jonah, the hero of the story, is a prophet who lived in Israel in the eighth century B.C. God asks Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and all its inhabitants to repentance. But Jonah flees in the opposite direction. The story, abounding in miraculous incidents, wants to show that God is the Lord of the universe. The sea and the storm obey him. At his command, the whale swallows Jonah and on the third day spits him out on the shore of Nineveh. Plants and animals promptly execute his orders.

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    23. Job

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    Job was a faithful servant of God, healthy and rich with plenty of children. Suddenly he lost everything. Even his wife despised him. His friends, who came to console him, ended up in accusing him of very serious crimes. They insisted that God is just and would not have allowed Job to suffer if he had not committed some grievous sin.

    Hence his arguments and complaints are directed not against his friends but against God Himself. Job firmly believed that it was God who was torturing him, apparently for no reason. Job complains to God but God does not respond. Though the Bible teaches that suffering is the result of sin, it need not be the sin of the one who suffers.

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    24. Tobit

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    Tobit is a model of unwavering faith, unselfish love, and great respect for the dead. He did not hesitate to risk his life in order to bury the bodies of Jews killed by the soldiers. Even in the midst of the most crucial trials, he turned to the Lord with the child like trust. He firmly believed that God would not abandon those who depend on Him. Poverty, sickness, threats to his life, persuasion by friends, none of these could shake his trust in God.

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    25. Daniel

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    The “Son of Man” coming on clouds is the most important vision of Daniel. By this, the sacred author conveys the message that the people who are being persecuted for their faith would be glorified before God. The New Testament considers this as a prophecy concerning the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ as the Lord and Judge of the world. Jesus himself alluded to this prophecy in his response to the High Priest. The name “Daniel” means “God judges”. It is a proclamation of the faith that God will execute his judgment by punishing the wicked and saving the just who are persecuted.

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    26. Susanna

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    The story of Susanna exhorts not to succumb to temptation and intimidations. One must not obey any authority, even a religious authority, if one is asked to do evil. God who delivered Susanna from the hands of the wicked judges will always protect the innocent ones who resist evil. The name Susanna means “Lilly”. She is a model of purity and of total trust in God.

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    27. Esther

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    The book of Esther narrates how the Jews living in various provinces of the Persian Empire were saved from cruel persecution and total extermination by the intervention of a woman. Like the book of Daniel, Esther also was written during the persecution of Antiochus IV, in order to give hope and strength to the people who suffer for their faith. It gives an explanation concerning the origin of the feast of “Purim” (which means ‘lots’) that was celebrated by the Jews every year with great joy and merriment.

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    28. Judith

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    The book of Judith narrates the story of a miraculous liberation of the people of Israel through the courageous intervention of a widow. Judith, who lost her husband already in her youth, spent the rest of her life in severe penance and continuous prayer. When her people decided to capitulate before the enemy, she believed that God was calling her to action. It was her deep faith in Yahweh that enabled her to march into the enemy camp, risking her reputation and her very life. The name “Judith” is the feminine form of “Judah”. She is the symbol of the Chosen people and the model of courage that derives from faith.

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    29. Maccabeus

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    The name Maccabeus derives from the Hebrew word ‘Maccaba’ meaning hammer. The Jews saw him as the hammer God used to crush Antiochus IV and the advance of Hellenism. Maccabeus was a man of deep faith and prayer. In every adversity, he turned to Yahweh in prayer. It was from his faith in the Lord that he drew strength and inspired confidence in his followers. He took up arms only when no other alternative was left to preserve religious freedom and national independence. Judas believed it his sacred duty to fight against the oppressor, and death in battle he considered a sacrifice offered to God. Maccabeus is a model of courage that derives from faith in Yahweh.

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    30. Maccabees

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    We are presenting the last book in the OT series of the Bible comics. In this book of heroic deeds and tragic deaths of the five Maccabee brothers are depicted. This is the continuation of the previous story, Maccabeus, that presented the heroic resistance of the Jewish people against the advance of Hellenism and Greek imperialism.

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    31. A World Awaiting

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    Deep within every human being, there is the yearning to know the truth, to live, to be happy, to love and to be loved, without end. But these very fundamental aspirations of the human nature are denied to us. The mind that seeks the truth is clouded with ignorance and falsehood.

    Thus we are plunged into the depths of sorrow and despair from which rises the cry: “Who will rescue me?” Every religion, in one way or another, expresses the deep conviction that God will answer this cry for liberation. Our story starts with the expectation of various peoples concerning the coming of a divine Redeemer. Then we turn to the hopes of the Jewish people expressed in their Messianic prophecies.

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    32. The Light of the World

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    Jesus Christ is a historical person who was born in Bethlehem during the last years of Herod’s rule. His birth, though pre-announced by the prophets of Israel and awaited by the entire world, took place in a totally unexpected manner and provoked contradictory reactions. While the poor and the humble were filled with exuberant joy, the rich and the mighty burst out with violent hatred. The present story deals with the events related to that birth.

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    33. The Herald

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    In this book we are depicting the period that lies between Jesus’ return from Egypt and the beginning of his public ministry. The gospels give us no information about his life at Nazareth except the bare facts that he grew us as an obedient boy, was loved by all and that he worked as a carpenter. He lived as an ordinary man, earning his bread by the sweat of his brow. John the Baptizer was the herald sent to announce the coming of the Messiah and to prepare the people to receive him. Together with the common people Jesus came and was baptized by John.

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    34. The Prophet

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    All the four gospels narrate the public life of Jesus that starts with the baptism and ends with the passion, death and resurrection.
    The present story depicts the beginning of Jesus ministry which includes the temptation in the desert, the call of the first disciples, the miracles at Cana and Capernaum, and the proclamation at Nazareth. Prophet is a person called by God, anointed by the Holy Spirit and sent out to proclaim the Word of God. By the middle of the fifth century B.C. the age of the OT prophets came to an end. However, the people of Israel believed that at the end of time God would again send a prophet like Moses in order to liberate them from slavery and to inaugurate the age of salvation. This belief was supported by many OT prophecies. The Nazareth episode in the gospel of Luke presents Jesus as such a prophet.

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    35. The Liberator

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    Today, more than ever, people are looking up to Jesus as the liberator of mankind, but in defining the nature of liberation there exists a variety of opinions. Some emphasize a socio-political liberation, while others restrict it entirely to the spiritual sphere, as the liberation of the souls from sin. In the present story, we are depicting a few episodes that highlight the various aspects of liberation that Jesus brings.
    The liberation Jesus proclaimed concerned the whole person and the whole world. In the eyes of Jesus, the world was under the dominion of evil that manifested itself as oppression, foreign domination, alienation, sickness, and death. Hence he started his ministry striking at the very root of evil, namely sin and Satan.

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    36. The One to Come

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    The people of Israel believed that God would send them a Redeemer. For centuries they waited for him in constant prayer and ardent expectation, basing their hopes on the Old Testament prophecies. However, opinions differed as to the nature and activity of this awaited Redeemer. Many believed that a king from the descendants of David would come and establish an empire with Jerusalem as its capital. This king was called the Christ, meaning the one who received the royal anointing. Others waited for a prophet like Moses to come and liberate them from foreign domination. Still, others expected that the great prophet Elijah himself would come to call the people to repentance, after which God I would come to judge the world with fire.

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    37. The Lord

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    The words and deeds of Jesus are the manifestations of God’s love for a sinful humanity. At the same time, they pose the inevitable question: who is this Jesus? At his word the lepers were cleansed, the lame threw away their crutches and leaped like a deer; the dead came back to life. Who is this man who has such power? The titles of dignity such as prophet, liberator, the One to Come, are only partial expressions of his personality.

    The contemporaries of Jesus, his friends, and foes alike, were confronted with an unprecedented experience. They knew very well that only God could forgive sins. So they were shocked to hear Jesus telling the sinners: “your sins are forgiven”. They could not grasp how a man could use such authority. Either he is a blasphemer or he is equal to God. But they could not imagine how a human being could be equal to God.

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    38. Son of God

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    The first half of Jesus’ public life was spent mostly in Galilee. Thousands of people gathered around him even from neighboring countries, in order to listen to his words and to be healed of various ailments. Jesus cured them all and spoke to them about the Kingdom of God. At a later stage, the apostles also participated in the preaching and healing ministry. In the midst of this crisis, two events stand out, namely the confession of Peter and the transfiguration. In answer to Jesus question, Peter as the representative of the apostles confessed his faith that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God. This is the faith of the Church. Jesus accepted the confession and declared that Peter could come to this faith only through a special revelation from God.

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    39. Son of Man

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    The Son of God, taking upon himself all our suffering and sorrows, manifested God’s infinite love for us. Even though he is the Lord of the Universe, he lived upon the earth as the poorest among the poor. He identified himself with the homeless by being born in a manger. He spent his childhood as a refugee in Egypt. As a young man, he earned his bread by hard work expressing his solidarity with all the workers in the world. Thus, he taught the dignity of honest human labor. During his public ministry, he had nowhere to lay his head. As if to emphasize that he is the man in the full sense of the term, he called himself “Son of Man”, which has the same meaning as “man”. In the present story, a few episodes are narrated that depict Jesus as the suffering Son of Man and illustrate his teaching on the necessity of following him on the path of suffering.

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    40. In the Shadow of the Cross

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    Jesus went around Palestine doing good and proclaiming the Good News of the Kingdom of God. He comforted the afflicted, healed the sick, and forgave the sinners.
    Jesus is the love of God that became visible inhuman form; nobody could remain indifferent to him. One will have to either accept him as the Son of God and the Savior or reject him and oppose him. Those who opened their hearts to him and his message became new persons and were filled with happiness. But, during the second half of his public ministry, the vast majority of the people turned away from him because he wasn’t performing many miracles and his call to conversion was too demanding. Wealth is a major obstacle in following Jesus. Even though nobody can take material riches beyond the grave, people are usually more concerned about accumulating wealth rather than sharing it with the needy. This sharing should be motivated by love rather than compulsion. Following Jesus demands sacrifice. Only the way of the Cross will lea

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    41. The Way

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    John depicts the whole earthly life of Jesus as a journey that starts with his coming down from the Father and returning to Him. Jesus came into this world in order to lead us to our Father in heaven.
    As the earthly life of Jesus, our life too is a pilgrimage to the Father’s house and Jesus is the one who shows us the way. However, Jesus is not just a travel guide; he himself is the Way. That is why the present story is entitled “The Way”. Here we depict Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem and his teaching about discipleship conveyed mainly through parables. Most of the episodes and stories narrated here answer the question; “What shall I do to inherit eternal life”?

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    42. Son of David

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    David was the greatest king who ever ruled Israel. After the Babylonian captivity. Israel did not have a king. However, they firmly believed that God would send them a Messiah, a king from the descendants of David. He would liberate them from their political bondage a re-establish the kingdom of David. When the people called Jesus “Christ”, and the “Son of David”, they expressed their belief that he was the expected king. Jesus came to Jerusalem to proclaim the Good News and to call its inhabitants to repentance, but they were not willing to listen. When we confess Jesus as the Son of David and king, we must realize that his kingship is established on truth and Justice, on brotherhood and love. Jesus demands that we live according to these values of his kingdom.

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    43. Bread of Life

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    The hungry need bread. Even though Jesus refused to turn stones into bread to satisfy his own hunger, twice he multiplied the bread and fed the hungry crowds. However, the hunger of the soul for spiritual food and eternal life is infinitely greater than the physical hunger. When Jesus was tempted to produce bread by a miracle, he responded that man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.

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    44. Xaviour

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    The present story depicts the suffering and death of Jesus. Crucifixion was the Roman form of punishment meted out to runaway slaves and to rebels. Why was Jesus who was neither a slave nor a criminal condemned to such a punishment? It would seem that the jealousy of the Jewish leaders and the cowardice of the Roman procurator were responsible for his condemnation. However, these were not the only reasons and not the major reasons for Jesus ‘crucifixion’.

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    45. With us Forever

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    Although Jesus had foretold his resurrection, even the apostles found it difficult to believe that he really rose from the dead. All their hopes and dreams were shattered by the brutal fact of the crucifixion. Not even the empty tomb was sufficient proof for them. Only after meeting the risen Lord and eating with him could they believe that the one who died on the cross has really defeated death. This new awareness filled them with joy and courage.

    The resurrection of Jesus is the guarantee that we too will be once raised from death. This will happen only at the end of the world. With the resurrection of the bodies, death itself will cease to exist. Hope in the resurrection and eternal life enables the believers to accept all the trials and suffering of this world with joy and to stand for truth and justice under all circumstances with courage.

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    46. Tongues of Fire

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    The present book depicts the events that took place in Jerusalem from the coming of the Holy Spirit to the election of the deacons (Acts 1-6). The title “tongues of fire” refers to the mission of the apostles to proclaim the gospel with strength and zeal. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost marked the solemn inauguration of the Church of Christ.

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    47. Baptism in Blood

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    The Church born from the blood of Christ grew up through the sufferings and death of martyrs. The present story starts with the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr and ends with the violent death of Apostle James. Acts 7-12 is the basis for this story.
    It is through the people who are open to the Spirit that evangelization takes place in its true sense. No one who follows the footsteps of the Lord can escape suffering and persecution. This very suffering is the source of strength for the Christians to proclaim the Gospel. Those who have received the Baptism of water and Spirit must be ready for the Baptism in blood as well, in order to follow Jesus who poured out his blood for us.

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    48. Chosen Vessel

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    During the first few years of the Church, the Gospel was proclaimed mainly among the Jews. On rare occasions, the Holy Spirit led Peter and Philip to baptize the Gentiles. However, this was an exception to the general practice. This trend was changed by the emergence of Paul, the apostle of the Gentiles. His activities are presented in the Acts of the Apostles from chapter 13 onwards.
    Luke gives great importance to the theme of “Journey” in his Gospel as well as in the Acts. He has presented the missionary activities of Paul in the framework of three journeys, two of which are depicted in this book, while the third one is described in the next book. The fourth and final journey was to Rome as a prisoner.

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    49. Libation

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    The Life of the Apostle Paul was totally dedicated to Christ. All his strength was to be used to make Christ known to the whole world. All must know Jesus Christ and attain the salvation promised by Him-this was the driving force in Paul’ life. It was his ardent love for Christ that carried him through trials and tribulations. After his conversion in 36 A.D., Paul spent about thirty years spreading the message of Christ all through the Roman Empire.

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    50. Come Lord Jesus

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    The history of salvation will come to its fulfillment when evil will be completely annihilated and the world that is now under the power of evil will be thoroughly renewed. The book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, concludes by depicting God’ God’s victory over evil.

    In the present story, we have depicted a few scenes from the Book of Revelation. The pictures of ineffable beauty and unimaginable horror should persuade the readers to avoid sin and remain faithful to Christ at any cost. “Come Lord Jesus” is the prayer that rises unceasingly from the Church waiting for the establishment of the Kingdom of God upon the earth. To this prayer, Jesus replies: ”Yes, I am coming soon”. This promise of Jesus Christ, the risen Lord, is the solid rock on which our hopes are anchored.
