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    11. David

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    The present book, “David”, deals with his early life-his life as a shepherd, as a bodyguard of King Saul, and as a fugitive. David was a self-made, self-taught man. His faith, courage, loyalty and clever political moves enabled him to become the greatest king of his time. Bible depicts the relationship between David and Jonathan as the ideal friendship. Young David is a model of unwavering faith, undying hope, undivided loyalty and forgiving love. His life is a source of inspiration for all those who are going through trials and tribulations.

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    10. Saul

    All comics are ebooks. It’s not a physical copy. Kindly download the copy from your account after purchase.

    Saul, son of Kish, was the first king of Israel. His reign lasted for twenty years. Twenty three chapters of the Bible are set aside for Saul. Saul was a courageous man who marched into the battlefield at the head of his army. Even when most of his men deserted, with a handful of soldiers, he defeated the Philistines, inspiring courage in his followers. He died fighting the enemies and thus offered his life for his people. In the history of Salvation Saul has a preparatory function. In fact he prepared the way for David, the Messianic figure.

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    9. Samuel

    All comics are ebooks. It’s not a physical copy. Kindly download the copy from your account after purchase.

    Samuel was a great prophet who lived in the 11th century B.C. He was the last and the greatest of the “Judges” who ruled Israel. In the history of Israel only Moses excels him in importance.

    Samuel was a priest who wept with his people in their disasters. He prayed for them and offered sacrifices on their behalf. He taught them the law of God faithfully. Thus, he is the forerunner of the Messiah who is a priest, prophet and king. Samuel is a model of faith in Yahweh, of uncompromising fidelity to His call and of constant prayer.
