Today, more than ever, people are looking up to Jesus as the liberator of mankind, but in defining the nature of liberation there exists a variety of opinions. Some emphasize a socio-political liberation, while others restrict it entirely to the spiritual sphere, as the liberation of the souls from sin. In the present story, we are depicting a few episodes that highlight the various aspects of liberation that Jesus brings.
The liberation Jesus proclaimed concerned the whole person and the whole world. In the eyes of Jesus, the world was under the dominion of evil that manifested itself as oppression, foreign domination, alienation, sickness, and death. Hence he started his ministry striking at the very root of evil, namely sin and Satan.

35. The Liberator
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Today, more than ever, people are looking up to Jesus as the liberator of mankind, but in defining the nature of liberation there exists a variety of opinions. Some emphasize a socio-political liberation, while others restrict it entirely to the spiritual sphere, as the liberation of the souls from sin. In the present story, we are depicting a few episodes that highlight the various aspects of liberation that Jesus brings.
The liberation Jesus proclaimed concerned the whole person and the whole world. In the eyes of Jesus, the world was under the dominion of evil that manifested itself as oppression, foreign domination, alienation, sickness, and death. Hence he started his ministry striking at the very root of evil, namely sin and Satan.